Child Support: Policy and Action Updates

Summer 2024

June 3, 2024

Her Justice signed on to a letter spearheaded by the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence and joined by domestic violence providers, survivors, and attorneys, providing comments regarding the establishment of proposed statewide rules for the use of mental health professionals in child custody and visitation proceedings

Winter 2023

January 2023

Her Justice was joined by law firm partners and coalition partners in two letters to Governor Hochul urging support for developing and resourcing an expedited settlement process for child support in the Family Courts as an effective and achievable solution to improving access for families.

January 2023

Her Justice was joined by pro bono partner firms Fried Frank and Orrick in a letter to Governor Hochul advocating for reform to the New York child support system and the Family Courts.  The letter urged the Governor to develop and resource an option for parents seeking agreement on undisputed child support to engage in an expedited settlement conference process in the Family Courts, rather than spending months or years litigating cases and clogging the courts unnecessarily.

Fall 2022

October 31, 2022

Her Justice met with counsel and others in the New York State Governor’s office to discuss our legislative proposal to pilot an administrative conference process for straightforward, undisputed child support and the need for child support reform generally in the State.  Her Justice continues to strategize about this advocacy and engage with coalition partners who have been supporters on the need for reform.

Summer 2022

August 17, 2022

Her Justice submitted our legislation piloting an administrative conference for agreed upon child support (S.8554, Persaud/A.9104, Reyes) for inclusion in the NYS Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Caucus 2023 People’s Budget.  (The proposal was included in the 2022 People’s Budget list of priorities.)

Spring 2022

May 5, 2022

Her Justice held a Virtual Lobby Day to lobby for legislation that could provide parents in New York with better and additional options for accessing fair and timely child support awards more efficiently.  The day kicked-off with remarks from bill sponsor Senator Roxanne Persaud and Her Justice client Humu Yansane.