Winter 2024
December 12, 2024
Her Justice worked with the NYC Supervised Visitation Working Group to prepare a letter advocating for increased funding for supervised visitation for New York Family-Court-involved children who have been exposed to family abuse.
Fall 2024
September 30, 2024
Her Justice signed on to a letter spearheaded by the National Consumer Law Center and the Center for Survivor Agency and Justice petitioning the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to open rulemaking under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) during the 2024 calendar year to protect victims of coerced debt.
September 16, 2024
Her Justice testified at an inter-agency policy listening session held by the NYS Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, NYS Office of Children and Family Services, NYS Office for Victim Services, and NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services. In our written submission and oral remarks, Her Justice addressed (1) the need for improved transparency of Family Court data to better assess whether the courts are meeting the needs of survivors and (2) agency support for proposed legislation (S.2278/A.1309, 2023-24 session), that would provide relief from coerced debt to survivors of domestic violence, elder abuse, human trafficking, and abuse by caretakers.
Spring 2024
March 23, 2024
Her Justice joined an amicus brief along with Sanctuary For Families in In the Matter of Sapphire W., a case pending in the NY Appellate Division Second Department (represented by Skadden). The brief is in support of a non-Respondent mother in a Second Department appeal challenging the authority of ACS to make inspections of the mother’s home, even though the ACS case is against the father – a DV perpetrator who was removed from the home.
Fall 2023
November 1, 2023
Her Justice signed on to a letter by NYSCADV supporting the release under the New York Domestic Violence Survivors Justice Act of two domestic violence survivors from Niagara County, Ashley Berger and Chamia Johnson, who are currently serving long prison sentences for crimes that were directly related to their victimization.
Summer 2023
August 27, 2023
Her Justice participated in a conference – Justice for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: Transforming an Inequitable Family Law System – held on October 13 and 14, 2022, along with others from leading nonprofit agencies that serve and advocate for survivors of IPV, members of the NYS judiciary and other system actors, and survivors. Her Justice and the other advocates contributed to a report summarizing the conference that was published in the Columbia Law School Journal of Gender and Law.
July 25, 2023
Her Justice participated in a statewide policy listening session hosted by the NYS Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the NYS Office of Victim Services and attended by advocates, court administration representatives, and others.
Fall 2022
October 7, 2022
Her Justice engaged Covington to represent our organization as an amicus in a brief filed in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals showing our support for a Ms. Golan, a domestic violence survivor, in the ongoing Golan litigation relating to child custody and domestic violence under the Hague Convention.
September 22, 2022
Her Justice engaged Cleary Gottlieb to represent our organization as an amicus in a brief that will be filed in the Fourth Department on behalf of Ms. Mahalia Guest, a survivor who was denied resentencing under the NYS Domestic Violence Survivors Justice Act.
September 16, 2022
Her Justice joined the New York Family Homelessness Coalition and other partner organizations in supporting a letter to City officials urging the immediate abolishment of the “90 Day Rule” for CityFHEPS eligibility to ensure that homeless individuals and families attain stable housing sooner.
Summer 2022
August 11, 2022
Her Justice submitted two policy ideas – concerning coerced debt and paid safe leave – for a community listening session held by the NYS Office to Prevent Domestic Violence. Naomi presented the ideas at an in-person forum on behalf of the organization.
June 14, 2022
Her Justice submitted testimony for a City Council hearing, held by the Committee on Women and Gender Equity, concerning support for survivors of intimate partner violence.
May 4, 2022
Her Justice signed on to a letter led by Sanctuary for Families and NYSCADV, along with other organizations and experts, urging Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Braggs to dismiss criminal charges against Tracy McCarter, a survivor of repeated and documented domestic violence.
Spring 2022
March 10, 2022
Her Justice provided the following quote in support of reauthorization of VAWA in a press release from Esperanza United and others: “At Her Justice, we provide legal services to thousands of women across New York City, most of whom are survivors of gender-based violence. On top of physical and emotional abuse, many of our clients experience financial abuse, another prevalent and damaging form of intimate partner violence. We know that violence against women compounds other significant barriers women face in achieving stability and security, especially now as the economic and health crises persist. The re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act is imperative to enable us to continue to partner with survivors so they can recover from the many dangerous costs of gender-based violence.”
March 2, 2022
Her Justice signed on to a letter spearheaded by the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence to U.S. Senators Feinstein, Ernst, Durbin, and Murkowski advocating for reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.
Winter 2022
February 22, 2022
Her Justice submitted testimony for a hearing held by the City Council’s Committee on Women and Gender Equity relating to the wide array of civil protections for survivors of domestic violence/intimate partner violence.
December 13, 2022
Her Justice joined other organizations working with survivors of domestic violence/intimate partner violence in a letter Governor Kathy Hochul to grant clemency for Nicole Addimando, a survivor who is incarcerated for crimes stemming from the abuse she suffered.
December 12, 2022
Her Justice submitted testimony for a City Council hearing led by the Committees on Women and Gender Equity and Civil and Human Rights concerning the expansion of protections for victims of domestic violence to include economic abuse through Int. 0148-2022, which would amend the City’s human rights law definition of domestic violence, and the issue of coerced debt.