Our Services
Her Justice stands with women living in poverty in New York City by recruiting and mentoring volunteer lawyers to provide free legal help to address individual and systemic legal barriers. We work with clients who need legal help in the areas of family, divorce, and immigration law. We offer:
Legal information and advice:
When you contact Her Justice for free legal advice, you will:
- Learn about your legal rights and how the law applies to your case and unique situation
- Have your questions answered by an experienced staff attorney
- Get detailed information about court processes and instructions to representing yourself in court
- Learn what legal papers you need to file with the court and the right way to file them
- Learn about important deadlines you may need to meet to avoid a default judgment
- Learn about services available in the courts for people representing themselves
- Receive more informational materials that apply to your case
- Get referrals to agencies and community organizations that might be able to help you
Brief Services:
The preparation of court papers is called brief services. Her Justice staff and volunteer attorneys can prepare legal papers for you. You can then file them in Family or Supreme Court in New York City.
Free legal representation:
Her Justice provides women who cannot afford a lawyer with volunteer attorneys. These volunteers will represent you for free in court in cases involving family law, divorce and immigration.
Who We Help:
We work with women living in poverty in all five boroughs of New York City. Her Justice evaluates each request for legal help on an individual basis. We weigh many factors, including her financial circumstances, when we determine if a woman is eligible for our help on a financial basis. Click here to get help >